Nexus is a node configured to be a candidate for joining members which paticipates in consensus protocol and also act as a seed hubs

The OS firewall should be configured to allow incoming connections for TCP ports 3801 and 3901 if remote aceess via JSON API is needed. If a machine running Sun is connected to the Internet through a router, then the user needs to configure port forwarding (NAT) for TCP 3801 and 3901 ports in his router's settings. Check your router manual for specific instructions.


Create a wallet using the GUI or 'wallet create' or 'wallet import' command.

Unlock the wallet

wallet unlock 0xCB79A69A9A80C1E24776B7FAFCBC43FC9E4755DA password=MySecretPassword

Deposit some funds which will be used as a bail into this account. A higher amount gives a greater chance of being elected as a member and minimum is 1000 UNT.

You can use Free UNT Faucet to get some UNT for free

... or emit UNT from ETH using 'money emit' command to transfer Ethereuem (Sepolia) ETH to Ultranet (Testzone) UNT tokens with access to Ethereum account provided by JSON wallet file and password:

money emit from{wallet=C:\ethereum_wallet.json password=MySecretPassword} amount=15 by=0xCB79A69A9A80C1E24776B7FAFCBC43FC9E4755DA

... or directly using private key:

unt emit from {key=5fef388dea9252ae423ef2e59c9fe4f6d606b9ddad0f2ebcedbaa82c5c7b2d86} amount=15 by=0xCB79A69A9A80C1E24776B7FAFCBC43FC9E4755DA

however, this method requires to already have some funds on a destination account for paying transaction fees

... or transfer funds from another account using 'money transfer' command.


Configure a generator account and bail in the Sun.settings. Minimum 1000 UNT.

Generator = 0xCB79A69A9A80C1E24776B7FAFCBC43FC9E4755DA
Bail = 1000

Emission verification performed by each nexus requires a user to configure a connection to Ethereum JSON-RPC API provider. This can be either an instance of some Ethereum client or third-party services; e.g., Infura. Testzone network uses Sepolia Ethereum network which both work as a test ones. The corresponding setting is located in Sun.settings file under the 'Nas' section:

	Provider = ""


Now, a node can be run by launching the 'sun' executable using the following command:

Run on Windows:

sun.exe node run peer chain

Run on Linux:

/usr/bin/dotnet /usr/lib/sun/Sun.dll node run peer chain

Run on macOS:

/usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet /usr/local/sun/Sun.dll node run peer chain

This application requires admin privileges under Windows OS to correctly perform all its functions so above command should be called using "Run as Administrator" option. Windows users can also run a node with a graphical UI by launching the following executable:
